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How to Create Printables
Module 1: Start to Finish in Under an Hour (in Excel)
Welcome to the course (3:36)
Lesson 1: Why Use Excel? (3:22)
Lesson 2: How to Set Up the Page (4:43)
Lesson 3: Creating the Basic Structure of the Printable (11:00)
Lesson 4: All About Color (12:27)
Lesson 5: All About Fonts (9:00)
Lesson 6: Adding Checkboxes (3:28)
Lesson 7: All About Graphics (7:17)
Lesson 8: Adding Patterns, Frames, and Text Boxes (5:27)
Lesson 9: How to Save (as PDF) and Print (3:02)
Lesson 10: Printing Affordably, Paper, and Binding (6:34)
BONUS: More Excel Templates
BONUS: Daily Docket PDF and Template
BONUS: Graphic Elements
Module 2: Taking a Step Further with Loads More Examples
Creating a Half Size (or A5) Printable (8:37)
Creating a Happy Planner Size Printable (7 by 9.25 inches) (4:07)
Creating a Personal Size Printable (14:24)
Creating a Monthly Calendar: The Basics (10:40)
Creating a Monthly Calendar: Half Size (8:49)
Creating a Monthly Calendar: Personal Size (9:29)
Creating a Monthly Calendar: Automatic Dating (10:16)
Module 3: Graphics for Bloggers and Online Entrepreneurs
How to Create a Pretty Graphic Showcasing Your Printable (8:41)
How to Overlay Your Printable on a Stock Photo (4:33)
Module 4: Start to Finish in Google Sheets
Lesson 1: Why Use Google Sheets? (4:35)
Lesson 2: Starting Your Document (4:50)
Lesson 3: Setting Up the Basic Structure (12:04)
Lesson 4: Using Color (8:51)
Lesson 5: Using Fonts (6:30)
Lesson 6: Adding the Circles (5:21)
Lesson 7: All About Graphics (7:02)
Lesson 8: Adding Background and Frames (6:24)
Lesson 9: How to Save and Print (7:19)
BONUS: Google Sheets Daily Docket Template
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to take the brief feedback survey that was talked about in the video.
01 Module 1 Intro.pdf
01 Module 1 Intro.pdf
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